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Unit Schedule 2002This is a listing of our company's events for this year. For other companies' events or events from our parent organizations that we will not be attending, see the links at the bottom of this page. This page will be updated as new events are added. Simply click on the WEATHER or MAP link for up-to-date information. no events currently scheduled no events currently scheduled April 21, 10 a.m., Spring Workshop, Columbus, OH May 18-19 Culloden - George Rogers Clark Park, Springfield, OH MAP June 8-9 A Call to Liberty - Lion's Park, West Liberty, OH* June 28-30 Colonial Williamsburg - Williamsburg VA WEATHER MAP no events currently scheduled August 10-11 Joint Event - Findlay OH (NWTA, BAR) September 21-22 Warsaw, IN (NWTA) WEATHER MAP October 5-6 Feast of the Hunter's Moon, W. Lafayette, IN (NWTA)* WEATHER MAP Ohio Village Time Line - Columbus, OH Friday, Saturday and Sunday, November 8th, 9th and 10th, 2002. (This event is only a possible. We are still awaiting word.) *push events for our company BAR: Brigade of the American Revolution, http://www.brigade.org/welcome.html NWTA: NorthWest Territory Alliance, http://www.nwta.com/ NA84RA: North American 84th Regiment Association, http://www.84thcom BB&CL: British Brigade and Continental Line, http://www.britishbrigade.org/ Twentieth Century Tactical Group |
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